
Idk the whole rafah thing in Palestine sounds like a load of bs to me Propaganda
O Patrao, the most overrated user on this site -Never saw him making a single funny or at least ingenious comment -Whenever someone thinks or likes differently than him he'll attack you for it, so he's not even the chill dude everyone likes as Bobby -Never contributed anything of value, not even an interesting person to talk with like Andy Larkin -If it's mot about Inter, I've never seen him make a football related comment Mid ass user
Up vote for craven. Down vote for patrao
How can the "Greatest Italian Club" be involved in a scandal. You guys can't even say your history is great, it's like finding the right person for the job only to find he went to prison. Absolutely disgraceful you deserve losing 2 UCL Finals.
If u are still belive we are the bad people then watch this video and learn
Round 4 match 7 Upvote for Craven 🇺🇸 Downvote for Gomesinho 🇫🇷
when voting never forget the official: pingo racism list
Top 5 cuisines imo 1. Italian 2. French 3. Catalan 4. Moroccan 5. Lebanese
Denmark was created by EU to get more tax money cos the Christianians didnt use currency back in the 70s
I think Klopp should’ve hired Diaz’s dad as a coaching staff, he’d be great at motivating due to his experiences being kidnapped and I think Diaz would feel some encouragement looking to the bench and seeing his dad. Just a thought 🤷‍♂️.
He was just a bit overrated. He's doing well, if you just lower your expectations a bit.